Lauren Young Photography

Nov 18, 2020

5 reasons why you should have newborn photos!

Did you know, newborn babies are only considered 'Newborn' for up to 2 months old.

You wait 9 long months for them to arrive and before you know it, 2 months of your precious new little life has passed already. In fact the best time to have your newborn photos taken, is when baby is between 5-14 days old. That's the general rule if you want to photograph them in their fresh newborn skin, all curled up and sleepy. Fresh from the womb! I like to call it. This allows me to get more variety of shots and baby is less inclined to unfurl. However I allow up to 2 months for your newborn session. My style of newborn photography is baby-led (a subject for another blog post) less 'posed' I work with your baby's natural rhythms to achieve natural and beautiful images of your family. There are so many reasons, why every parent should capture their new baby! But here are some of mine.

  1. They change so quickly!

They change faster than you realise! You see your little one every day, so won't see just how much they change, until they do and you have missed the chance to capture those newborn moments. Even though I allow up to 2 months for your newborn photos. If you really want to capture them in their first days and fresh skin. Then there is no better time, then in their first 2 weeks of arrival. Their furry ears and hairy shoulders, markings made from birth, scrunchy facial expressions and newborn glassy eyes. All those tiny details too good to miss!

2. A time to relax

There is no doubt that you will be feeling exhausted. Both of you. Every moment you ever had to yourself is now dedicated to this new little life who depends on you for everything. So give yourself a break and let me take over. Sit back, relax and enjoy this moment. In the first few days of babies arrival, there can be a rush of emotions. This is an opportunity where you can admire what you have brought into the world and just watch and take it all in.

3. Timeless images

One thing that isn't timeless, is a newborn baby. So capturing them as a newborn, is the perfect way to remember them during their first few, precious days/weeks. Images you can enjoy for a lifetime and look back on, to see how your baby and your family have grown and changed. Having professional photos taken at this time, so soon after they baby is born, will allow your family to continue to cherish and revisit those incredibly beautiful first moments as a family for years to come.

4. A moment with their older bro or sis

The perfect opportunity to have professional photos taken, of a very proud new, BIG sis or bro!

Ok, so sometimes even for me sibling shots can be a little difficult at times. And I wouldn't mind betting its near on impossible for you! But as a photographer with a few tricks up my sleeve, I can capture this unforgettable moment. With life being so busy in those first few months, you might find that your patience is lost and the opportunity of that perfect sibling pic is lost with it! Plus it's a chance for you to sit back and concentrate solely on your children, enjoying this precious brother, sister moment and admire what you have made and brought into the world.

5. If you are taking the photos, then who is taking them of you too?

Of course, you are going to take hundreds, thousands of photos of your baby but where are you in these moments too? If you are always taking the photos, then who's taking them, of you. Having a professional take your photos will mean you can all be in the moment together. A rare opportunity to dress up and feel good! So many new mums cringe at the thought of having their photo taken. I get it, you are exhausted, or you are still carrying some baby weight, you have hardly slept, you smell like baby milk! But I promise you, you won't regret it. You owe it to yourself. This moment with your baby is just as important and it's a moment that should be captured to remind you of how great you are doing.

If you would like more info on my newborn photography, click here

Thank you for reading

Lotsa love,

